I was thinking in how to justify this blog... But, then again, should it be a reason for converging ideas all across the world? Or should it be a reason to defend every human being's right to exist?This is the space that wants to bring different kinds of peoples and, therefore, different kind
s of visions of the world. All based on one single idea: the respect for human rights and values.
A Psychoanalyst could ask me why I am doing this? A Systemic ask me what for? And, an Existentialist ask for the meaning of this project in my essence...All I can say is that I am another one in the quest, searching for that “one point” that is knowledge, split in so many ideas and world-conceptions. Seeker is how I define myself!
This blog is the sum of many: many writers and collaborators from different cultural backgrounds will (once in a while) write their thoughts in things related to psychology (and not only); different readers (hopefully) from across the world; different experiences and different ways of seeing the same reality.
This blog wants to bring everyone the reflection on what I consider the four human dimensions: the Physical, the Mental, the Noettic and the Social, in all their possible meanings.Please, be welcome
toLabels: blogs, Existentialism, Psychoanalysis, reasons, System-Theory